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Play Bold Moves for an exciting, inspirational journey! Bold Moves is a one-of-a-kind game that combines match-3 play with a word puzzle as you create and collect positive, inspirational quotes. With daily gifts and new special events added all the time, there’s always a reason to come play Bold Moves!


Make matches to burst tiles and build powerups

Clear obstacles and collect letters

Solve the phrase to win!

Easy to play, challenging to master

Unique gameplay with dazzling combos and power-ups

Play with friends and share your favorite quotes

I absolutely love this game! ...
I couldn’t ask for anything else.
— Lena0307

 How to Play


Additional Support


For video playthroughs and helpful tips on how to solve specific levels, visit our YouTube channel.

Please log into Bold Moves using Facebook, Google, Apple, or your email address. This saves your account outside your phone for added security. Also, if you need help, we will be able to help you. As a bonus, you get 50 gems the first time you log in!
We will never post anything on your behalf.
You may play without an account, but your progress will not be accessible if you need to download the game again for any reason or if you restore your phone. It also prevents us from being able to access your account if you ever need help.

Sometimes the pregame boosters are locked at the beginning of a level.The game was designed for boosters to be spent, but some players like to save boosters and can collect quite a few! If you have saved hundreds of a booster and suddenly find that you have only 20 or 30, do not fear: your boosters are still there...